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Accessible parking
Accessible entrances and passages
Accessible gastronomic offer
Accessible toilet facilities
Additional accessible offer
Due to the volume of its underground canyon, the Škocjan Caves are listed among the largest caves in the world and they remain the only monument in Slovenia and the Classical Karst region on UNESCO’s list of natural and cultural world heritage sites. Thus, they hold a significant position among the world’s natural monuments.
The Škocjan Caves attach great significance to the world of people with disabilities by striving to adapt their services to all visitors. Unfortunately, due to the geographical location of the entrance and later diversity of the path, the caves themselves are not accessible. Nevertheless, the staff had found an interesting solution to present the cave’s atmosphere with the use of modern technologies – they offer a virtual tour of the cave. Furthermore, the accessible museum presents the history of the Cave’s exploration and puts on display two models: the one with a section of the Cave’s underground canyon, and a model of the central area of the park. The museum also hosts an interactive exhibition of a variety of objects, documentaries and other material.
Accessible parking | There are parking spots for the disabled. |
Accessible entrance | Entrances to the restaurant, the souvenir shop and museum are fully wheelchair accessible. The museum is entered through the elevator and further down the elevator you arrive to the rich exhibition of the Škocjan Caves. Everything in the museum is within view as they adjusted the height to suit the visitors in wheelchairs. In the next room you can watch documentaries about the Caves, their formation, rich culture and nature. |
Adapted sanitary facilities | The adapted toilet is suitable for everyone, even electric wheelchair users. The Euro Key lock is installed. In case you do not have the key, ask the staff at the information centre to borrow you one. |
Accessible café or restaurant | There is a restaurant within the Škocjan Caves facility. Both the indoor and the outdoor areas are accessible. Tables have enough knee clearance and chairs can be moved. |
Additional accessible offer | The additional attraction are special “glasses” that allow you to take the virtual tour of the caves. The route is recorded and you can move through it with the click on your glasses. The glasses are only available to those who are physically unable to visit the cave. The souvenir shop is also accessible. |
By inspirationDestinationsExperiences
By inspirationDestinationsExperiences
By inspirationDestinationsExperiences