Slovenian Museum of Christianity - Brez ovir


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Accessible parking

Accessible entrances and passages

Accessible toilet facilities

Accessible gastronomic offer

Additional accessible offer

Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem

The museum that debunks the Dark Ages myth

In 2006 the Slovene Museum of Christianity obtained its status of national importance and its current name. The first exhibition was set up in 1983. Today, the museum hosts three permanent exhibitions: Life Behind Monastic Walls, The Mysterious World of Medieval Scribes and History of Christianity in Slovenia. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and other accompanying programs, such as guided tours, workshops, and occasional events.

Prior arrangement of the visit is necessary, as you will be guided around the museum. The guide will also assist you to through the premises, as ramps will be installed on the fly, and the arrange the use of the elevator. The visit includes a guided tour of the museum, the church and monastery and can be combined with a calligraphy workshop.

Accessible parkingThere is a large parking lot in front of the museum. There are no specially marked disabled parking spots.
Accessible entranceThe easiest entrance is through the monastery courtyard past the monastery gate. The museum has in some parts built-in ramps, and for other areas they use movable ramps to overcome all obstacles (stairs, thresholds) in the museum. We recommend making prior announcement of your visit so that the staff can prepare the elevator that will take you to upper floors with ease. The doors are bi-fold, which means that they open on both sides.
The meeting spot for the visitors is in front of the info board situated right in front of the monastery entrance. Guides will meet you there.
Accessible toiletToilets are located on the ground floor. One of the cabins is larger and intended for people in wheelchairs. It has a small threshold.
Accessible café or restaurantTeahouse Stik is in the shop and herbal pharmacy. They can be reached with the use of ramps. The shop’s interior is accessible but narrow in some places. The teahouse is spacious and adapted.
Additional accessible offerUpon prior announcement, the museum offers guided tours of its exhibitions and architectural heritage of the monastery. You can take part in calligraphy workshop. Blind and partially-sighted visitors can touch some of the copies of museum objects.

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