Home for Paraplegics in Pacug - Brez ovir


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Dom paraplegikov Pacug

Accessible parking

Accessible entrances and passages

Accessories and other adjustments to the sleep surface

Accessible bathroom

Accessible gastronomic offer

Accessible entry into the water from the beach or pool

Dom paraplegikov Pacug

Completely accessible to everyone

Far from the city noise and the ever-faster pace of modern life, the Home for Paraplegics in Pacug can help restore your health and dedicate your time to yourself. You can spend a pleasant family vacation there, but also pamper yourself and improve your physical and mental fitness. This is provided by a well-equipped rehabilitation centre where our guests can swim, exercise, walk, play tennis, bowling, basketball, athletics, and at the same time learn to live a healthy life.

An active and renewed body is beneficial for the spirit as well. Hence, Home of Paraplegics in Pacug also organizes social and cultural events, and offer many opportunities for excursions. Some of their activities include rehabilitation tourism (healthcare), holiday tourism, sport tourism, conference tourism and training. The rooms are fully adapted for both mildly and severely disabled people in wheelchairs. The bathrooms are accessible, adapted and suitable for people with severe disability as well. In 2020 two completely new apartments had been added to the offer. Pets are also allowed.

Accessible parking Home for Paraplegics in Pacug has its own garage with many parking spaces for the disabled.
Accessible entrance The hotel entrance is barrier-free. The surrounding area is also properly maintained with ramps.
Adapted bed Some rooms are equipped with adjustable beds, and some also with a ceiling lift, making it easier to transfer the guests.
Accessible bathroom All bathrooms are suitably adapted and spacious and have grab bars. Showers are rimless and there is chair for transfers under the shower.
Accessible café or restaurant The restaurant is accessible, spacious enough and equipped with underpass tables.
Accessible pool entrance Access to pool is possible with a staff-operated lift.


The pool with seawater and optimal health restoration

It is well known that swimming in sea water can strengthen psychophysical condition, but the healing effect of the cold element depends on the user’s health, age, time spent in the water, water temperature and waves. This is why swimming or exercising in sea water is very important for the treatment of post-operative and post-traumatic conditions and osteomuscular problems. The use of physical and chemical properties of sea for medical purposes is called thalassotherapy. Seawater is considered medicinal and as such is used in pools for hydrokinesitherapy, or in bathtubs for various types of baths or massages. It is also the most important element that regulates the costal climate due to the accumulation of heat and salinity transferred to the air above the sea, called medicinal aerosol. It is also interesting to point out that the chemical composition of seawater is similar to the composition of plasma in highly developed organisms.

The entire activity in the rehabilitation centre is teamwork. Permanent team members that receive the guest are physiotherapy specialist and nurse. In the Home for Paraplegics the patient is actively included in the treatment process, while close family members are also free to join. The aim of health restoration is to achieve optimal functional results. This includes appropriate movement, appropriate and painless movement of injured body parts, appropriate muscle strength, independence in daily activities and mental stability. To achieve those goals, the methods for modern rehabilitation/physiotherapeutic activities are used. The desired result is also very dependent on the guest’s motivation and active participation in the process of health maintenance. This is to a large extent dependent on a well-designed program, which is also based on rest and relaxation in the sauna or during the exercise in the fitness centre and other types of recreation.

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