The Goriška Museum in Kromberk Castle - Brez ovir


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Accessible parking

Accessible entrances and passages

Accessible gastronomic offer

Additional accessible offer

Accessible walking paths

Goriški muzej se nahaja na gradu Kromberk
Source: The Goriška Museum

The main part of Kromberk Castle

The Kromberk Castle, where the Goriška Museum is located, is only a few kilometres away from Nova Gorica. The central exhibition area of the museum is the place to meet, socialize and broaden your knowledge. The ground floor and first floor host permanent art, cultural and historical collections. The second floor is reserved for temporary exhibitions, lectures, symposia and other activities. The castle is encircled by a beautiful park with an amphitheatre and an outdoor lapidarium.

Accessible parkingThere is a parking lot next to the castle.
Accessible entranceThe castle is accessed via a ramp, and the interior by an elevator. The reception desk should be notified to unlock the chains.
Accessible toiletThere are no adapted toilets.
Accessible café or restaurantThere is a restaurant at the Kromberk Castle, but the stairs lead to it. However, the restaurant can still be accessed from the museum’s side.
Additional accessible offerThe fully accessible Pristava Museum Collection is an area of interesting exhibitions.
Accessible pathsThe park is partially accessible, as the paths are made of well-compacted macadam and there are steps and other obstacles.

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