Beer Fountain Green Gold - Brez ovir


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Fontana piv Zeleno zlato

Accessible parking

Accessible entrances and passages

Accessible gastronomic offer

Accessible toilet facilities

Accessible walking paths

Fontana piv Žalec
Fontana piv Zeleno zlato. Vir: ZKŠT Žalec.

The Hop-growing Tradition of Lower Savinja Valley.

The Beer Fountain Green Gold is a tribute to the hop-growing heritage of the Lower Savinja Valley and the city of Žalec – the capital of hop-growing in Slovenia. Žalec has used the rich history of hop-making in Slovenia (the world’s fifth largest hop producer) to create an interesting story for tourism.

The fountain is located in the city park next to the marketplace. Its architectural design is a symbolic hop flower. The beer is poured in a glass mug equipped with a chip. Place the mug under the dispenser. The dispenser recognizes the mug and starts pouring the beer automatically. The Beer Fountain mug is made in Hrastnik 1860 glassworks and designed by Oskar Kogoj, a renowned industrial designer and honorary citizen of Žalec. It can be bought on different locations in Žalec, but the closest purchasing location is the Green Gold (Zeleno zlato) store on the marketplace.

Accessible parking Marked parking space is found in the parking lot in front of the market, in the near vicinity of the fountain. There are no marked parking spaces on the main road in the centre of Žalec close to the fountain.
Accessible entrance An accessible paved path leads from the parking lot next to the marketplace to the fountain. Hard sand is laid around the fountain. The semi-circular path between individual beer taps for brewing is paved and wide enough for wheelchair users.
Accessible cash-register A glass mug containing the chip can be bought in the Green Gold store in the marketplace, on the sales counter. Access is barrier-free, but the counter is quite high, so you might need assistance from the salesperson.
Accessible toilet Public toilets are found on the marketplace next to the fountain, but they are not adapted for people with physical impairments.


Souvenirs with a hop note.

You can also buy a wide range of souvenirs such as beer mugs, T-shirts and aprons. Many of them were designed by Simon Kukec, who is considered to be the most important brewer in Laško area.

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